Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

Abigail was so excited that it was FINALLY Christmas eve! She woke us up this morning saying frantically, "Hurry, hurry! Get up! It's Christmas eve! Santa's coming! We have to bake cookies! GET UP!" We had a pleasant Christmas eve. We were surprised by a good friend who brought a plate of goodies. They were delicious, by the way. Thanks, Tara! This evening we had the missionaries over for our traditional Italian food Christmas eve dinner. After dinner the missionaries read the Christmas story from Luke 2 with us. I was happy to hear Abigail say that Christmas is about Jesus instead of talking about Santa and toys. Although, she is pretty excited about Santa and toys. She has been asking for a racecar since she realized Christmas was coming. Tonight we baked cookies and wrote a letter to Santa. I hope she's able to sleep tonight! Merry Christmas, everyone!

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